Private: Reboot’s The Resilient Educator On-line Short Course
Module 1: Thriving at work – Lesson 1
7 Topics
Introduction to Reboot’s 3 brains neuro-metaphor and the window of tolerance
Understanding of integrated and dis-integrated brain states and (eu and dis) stress, and impact of stress on physical and emotional health and wellbeing, performance and relationships
Identifying external events, internal states (perception, attitude and thinking) and daily habits that contribute to stress levels and those that help reduce stress
Identifying the challenges (stressors) specific to the work context and role as an educator (especially those in remote, rural or trauma-impacted communities)
Stress constructs: emotional labour and burnout, compassion fatigue, burnout, vicarious and primary trauma, workplace intensity
Understanding of the emotional labour in education and application of practical strategies to reduce emotional strain and burnout
Awareness of the conditions that underpin optimal performance, wellbeing and happy relationships
Module 1: Thriving at work – Lesson 2
8 Topics
Define self-regulation and the impact of this skill on wellbeing, happiness, health and professional performance
Awareness of the relaxation response and how to initiate it
Using hourly self-regulation to reduce the accumulative impact of stress
Introduce the 3 key steps in the self-regulation process and Reboot’s 5 Faces
Introduce evidence-based stress management practices
Understand and be able to self-regulate using top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up self-regulation strategies
Plan to reduce daily regulatory drift and engage in post-work transition
Heart Rate Variability and its importance to physical and emotional recovery
Module 2: Resilience when facing challenges – Lesson 1
6 Topics
Define resilience and its impact on wellbeing, workplace performance and satisfaction
Awareness of the attitudes, skills and practices necessary for resilient outcomes
Understanding that resilience is dynamic, can be grown, influenced by context and colleagues Introduce Reboot’s resilience Equation and the elements composing individual and collective resilience
Exploration of protective and risk factors impacting resilience in current daily habits and individual self-assessment and plan to boost protective factors
Addressing specific contextual challenges: remote or regional workplaces, transgenerational trauma-impacted communities, social and geographic isolation
Identifying your resilience protective and risk factors and tips to create new habits
Module 2: Resilience when facing challenges – Lesson 2
4 Topics
Identify the impact of social and professional relationships on individual resiliency, wellbeing and stress
Understand the evolutionary role of relationships and positive relationships in resilience formation
Define supportive relationships in the professional and personal realms and how to invest to create these
Identifying toxic workplace practices and practical strategies to effectively manage them
Module 3: Coping and Problem Solving – Lesson 1
4 Topics
Define the 3 key ways of coping: proactive problem solving, silver-linings reframing and avoidance/denial
Explore the short and long-term impact of different problem-solving approaches
Address fear of change, victimhood, toxic positivity, cyclic thinking, sticking thinking (unhealthy thinking and self-talk processes)
Explore the impact of agency and victim orientation toward problems
Module 3: Coping and Problem Solving – Lesson 2
2 Topics
Introduction to the Positive Change Highway as a simple problem-solving sequence that can be used to generate a solutions orientation and gain a sense of control over existing problems
Explore the elements within the problem-solving process
Previous Topic
Explore the elements within the problem-solving process
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